Friday, June 20, 2008

Περισσότεροι και πιο Σύνθετοι Θεσμοί Αντιπροσωπευτικής Δημοκρατίας.Νομιμοποιση του Lobbying.

Πρέπει να απελευθερωθούμε από την αντίθεση μεταξύ, από την μια πλευρά, μιας μυθικής δημοκρατικής πολιτείας (republic) στην οποία η πολιτική υποτίθεται ότι απορροφά το ιδιωτικό συμφέρον ,και από την άλλη μιας απογοητευτικής οπτικής στην οποία η πολιτική υποτίθεται ότι εκφράζει και υπηρετεί υλικά και ηθικά συμφέροντα σχηματισμένα εκτός της πολιτικής σφαίρας. Roberto Unger "Self Awakened" p.184(μτφ lls)

Η λέξη "Δημοκρατία" αφορά αυτό που αποκαλλώ "αυταρχική έκφραση γνώμης".Απαγορεύεται ,λες και ήταν δυνατό,να μην είσαι δημοκράτης .A.Babiou . Metapolitics.p78

Η νομοθετική εξουσία δεν κάνει τον νόμο.Τον ανακαλύπτει και τον διατυπώει μόνο.(Κ.Μαρξ Κριτική της Εγελιανής Φιλοσοφίας του Δικαίου σ.173)

Και ξαφνικά ανακαλύψαμε ότι ο κάθε Τσουκάτος ,παίρνει μίζες και τις καταθέτει στο κόμμα του,στην τσέπη του ,όπου θέλει.....

Σιγά τα ωά.

Εχουν γραφεί κάτι χιλιάδες σελίδες,για τον συγκρουσιακό,ταξικό, χαρακτήρα της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας και κάθε φορα που γίνεται κανένας νομικός εκσυχρονισμός ,ή κάποιοι μαλώνουνε στην μοιρασιά ,ανακαλύπτουμε αυτό που ξέρουμε.Η πολιτική είναι χώρος συγκρούσεων και στις συγκρούσεις χρησιμοποιούνται πολλά μέσα.

Το πρόβλημα για μένα είναι αλλού.Στην τρομερή υστέρηση που έχουν οι δημοκρατικοί θεσμοί
σε σχέση με την πολυπλοκότητα των κοινωνιών.Με κάποια έννοια η δημοκρατία μας λειτουργεί με χρονολογική υστέρηση μιας φάσης.Δεν ανταποκρίνεται ούτε στις ανάγκες των πολλών και αδύνατων ούτε δρα ελεγκτικά στον δυναμισμό των ισχυρών.

Οπως λέει ο υιοθετημένος από το ιστολόγιο Unger (μέχρι να δω το όνομα σε ελληνική εφημερίδα ή βιβλίο θα έχω το copyright...) μιλάμε ουσιαστικά για μια μυθική republic.Εχουμε μια πολιτική οργάνωση που φαντασιώνεται την δημοκρατία,και πολύ καλά έκανε ο Marx και αποκάλυψε ότι πίσω από τις άυλες συνθέσεις της πολιτικής κρύβεται η ταξική πόλωση.

Νομίζω ότι μπορούμε να σκεφτούμε προς δύο κατευθύνσεις

Α.Πρέπει να αναζητήσουμε περισσότερους ,σύνθετους,και αντιρροπους μηχανισμούς αντιπροσωπευτικής δημοκρατίας.Ας με συχωρέσουν οι άπειροι οπαδοί της άμεσης δημοκρατίας και των έκφρασεων της (δημοψηφίσματα κλπ) αλλά αυτά είναι μάλλον συμβολικά συστήματα και έχουν νόημα ,μόνο όταν μέσα από ένα πλέγμα δημοκρατικών επιλογών και εκλογών οι αποφάσεις των πολλών έχουν αποκτήσει υλικότητα.

Η κοινωνία και η οικονομία μας έχουν γίνει περίπλοκες και αφηρημένες,έτσι που η άμεση δημοκρατία μοιάζει με την χύτρα ταχύτητας σε σχέση προς τον υβριδιακό κινητήρα.
Ας κάτσουν οι συνταγματολόγοι και οι πολιτικοί και ας τα βρούν,ας επινοήσουν τους νέους θεσμούς.
-Διπλές ή τριπλες βουλές με αντίρροπες δυνατότητες;
-Εκλεγμένα Συνταγματικά Δικαστήρια;
-Τεταρτοβάθμιες οργανώσεις από διαφορετικούς κλάδους με δικαιώματα βέτο;
Και δίπλα σ'αυτά βεβαίως θεσμοί άμεσης δημοκρατίας,αλλά με αίσθηση της πραγματικότητας,όχι σαν αυτά τα ρομαντικά που διαβάσαμε για την Ιρλανδία.

Β.-Δίπλα σ'αυτά ,πρέπει να κατευθυνθούμε γρήγορα στην νομιμοποίηση του Lybbying.
Πρόκειται για υποκρισία απύθμενη.
Οποιος θέλει (πρόσωπο ή εταιρεία) να υποστηρίξει δημόσια ένα πολιτικό ή κόμμα να το κάνει ανοικτά,και ας έχει και καμιά φοροαπαλαγή.
Είναι θέμα θεσμικής επινόησης.
Οι τρόποι βρίσκονται έτσι ώστε και η ροή χρημάτων να είναι φανερή,και οι κατάλληλοι μηχανισμοί ελέγχου να δημιουργηθούν.Αν η κοινωνία κοιτάξει κατάφατσα την πραγματικότητα,τότε όλα μπορούν να οργανωθούν.
Αλλιώς οι μιζαδόροι θα συνεχίζουν,θα πιάνουμε στα πράσσα το 5 % και θα βαυκαλιζόμαστε με τις συνήθεις ηθικολογίες.


Greek Rider said...

1) Σχόλιο για τον Τσουκάτο παραπλεύρως: δεν παίζεσαι!

2) Οι προτάσεις που κάνεις μου θυμίζουν το αμερικανικό πολιτικό σύστημα.

Anonymous said...


Lobbyist Law Prerequisite to Cleaner Society

KICAC Chairman
Chung Soung-jin
By Jung Sung-ki
Staff Reporter

Legislation for legalizing lobbying activities is an urgent task to help increase South Korea's global competitiveness and build a corruption-free country, government officials and legal experts said Wednesday.

The presidential Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption (KICAC) held a forum on legislation regarding the legal status and permissible activities of lobbyists, to discuss how to bring them out of the shadows and make a more transparent society.

Lobbying is illegal, so many businessmen often bribe politicians or public servants secretly through brokers to influence policymaking or legislation.

``Anti-corruption efforts have been considered fruitful to an extent, but still rampant illegal lobbying activities or under-the-table deals are eroding confidence on the global stage, as well as compromising national competitiveness,'' KICAC Chairman Chung Soung-jin said in an opening speech at the gathering in central Seoul.

Chung Key-chang, fourth from left, director-general for institutional improvement of the presidential Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption (KICAC), speaks at a debate on legalizing lobbying activities at the Korea Press Center in central Seoul, Wednesday.
/ Yonhap
About 300 people from government agencies, academia and civic groups attended the meeting.

Three bills are pending at the National Assembly for approval. A bill proposed by Rep. Chung Mong-joon, an independent, calls for legalizing activities of foreign lobbyists, while Rep. Lee Eun-young of the pro-government Uri Party submitted a bill aimed at limiting lobbyists from paying policymakers or politicians more than 50,000 won ($53) per meeting and 200,000 won in total.

Rep. Lee Seung-hee of the minor opposition Democratic Party also proposed a bill regarding lobbyists registration and their mandatory activity reports to the government in July 2005.

Most panels agreed on the need for legalizing lobbying activities in principle, but showed differences over ways and goals to implement the law.

Chung Key-chang of KICAC stressed the lobbyist law should regulate not only any lobbying activities in the policymaking process, but those in the legislation process, as well.

As for qualifications for lobbyists, Jung said all people should be entitled to work as lobbyists, but there is a need to limit activities of retired civil servants or those who have been charged with irregularities.

He said lobbyists should be a third party in general, but it is necessary to open the profession to the interested parties to make the policymaking process more transparent.

He citied several corruption scandals in recent years including the ``Sea Story'' video slot machine scandal last year, in which some Uri Party lawmakers were found to have collusive links to arcade game machine manufactures and operators, and the latest bribery case involving associations of doctors who allegedly bribed legislators on a regular basis to influence legislation.

Kim Jae-gwang from the Korea Legislation Research Institute called for stricter crackdown on those who violate a lobbyist law and expanding the scope of related information disclosure to meet the people's right to know.

Prosecutor Kim Young-ki from the Ministry of Justice, however, said lobbying regulations should be taken against onerous lobbyists, not the interested parties.

Lee Jung-han from the Korea Bar Association proposed that retired or former public officials should not get the lobbyist job, since nepotism or cronyism remains prevalent in the policy- and decision-making process.

Other critics said a lobbyist law could lead to widening lobbying polarization, making the rich more powerful and the poor more powerless.

``The time has long past for the world's 11th largest economy to grope for ways to reflect the views and interests of various groups on policymaking in a just and open manner,'' a KICAC spokesman said. ``In fact, the public's involvement in key legislation and other state administration is a basic right of petitioning. This may explain why the United States created its legal basis as early as 1791.''

Anonymous said...

Lobbying reform in Missouri may reshape checklists

Aaron Bailey
The state's legislative session may be over, but lobbying never takes a recess.

Gov. Matt Blunt's sister Amy Blunt and a lobbyist for Kansas City were part of a continuing legal education seminar Monday focusing on local, state and federal lobbying. With lobbying issues increasingly coming under public scrutiny, lawyers and lobbyists have a growing list of compliance regulations, they said.

Blunt works as an attorney for Lathrop & Gage, advising the firm's clients on governmental affairs and public policy on local and federal levels.

Blunt's session Monday was geared for in-house counsel who lobby at the federal level. With recent lobbying reform initiatives taking effect this year, Blunt spoke about the changes in filing and reporting rules.

"Obviously, these rules have resulted in a lot of debate," Blunt said. "A sense among lobbyists in particular is that some congressmen got a slap on the wrist or in trouble in the press for improper interactions with lobbyists, and the response to that, as a self-regulating body, was to say essentially, 'the devil made me do it' and place a number of onerous restrictions on the lobbyists themselves that can make life pretty uncomfortable."

Some of the biggest changes -- spurred in part by the Jack Abramoff investigation and other high-profile lobbying scandals -- involve a total ban on gifts for lawmakers and increased reporting requirements. The gift ban has its exceptions, Blunt pointed out, like gifts from "friends" and home district products.

Blunt advised in-house counsel to beef up compliance training for anyone who is in contact with federal lawmakers.

Lobbyists must also retain more detailed reports for the ethics committees, and the reporting period is now quarterly and not semi- annually. Since the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act is relatively new, Blunt warned to use extra precautions to avoid becoming a "test case."

Blunt avoided a sticky situation for her firm this month, when Missouri lawmakers revamped a tax-incentive bill for Lathrop & Gage client Bombardier Aerospace that included conflict of interest provisions.

The early versions of the bill barred family members of officeholders from working for Bombardier or companies it contracts with. The final bill, which passed earlier this month, included $240 million in tax credits for the company to build a facility near the Kansas City International Airport and barred only officeholders themselves from working for the company or its subsidiaries.

Blunt did not address the issue Monday. She is registered to lobby the Missouri General Assembly, but her most recent report with the state Ethics Commission showed no expenditures.

Greg Williams was also part of Monday's CLE program by the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association. Williams currently works as the legislative liaison for the city manager's office for Kansas City. Prior to that, Williams worked as a lobbyist for former Kansas City mayor Kay Barnes and was involved in the lobbying efforts for many of the city's projects in the last decade, including the development of the Power & Light District downtown.

Williams, who is not a lawyer, spoke to the roughly dozen attorneys present about ethical tactics for lobbying at the local, state and federal levels. For the city-level, Williams suggested having working relationships with council members' staff and knowing how alliances within the council work. He said the reporting side is easy for lobbyists on the local level since the officeholders are responsible for disclosure.

At the state level, Williams said don't waste your time with the governor.

"At the risk of saying this while Amy's here, a lot of times the governor is almost inconsequential," Williams said to laughter. "During the legislative session, if you build up enough support, you can almost force the governor to sign the bill."

Williams also candidly gave tips on how to work federal lawmakers. Sen. Claire McCaskill has publically vowed not to support earmarks, perhaps giving her phone and staff a rest from the lobbyists, Williams said.

"I like her, she's a great senator," he said, "but she is no help in that area."

Copyright 2008 Dolan Media Newswires
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved.

Nikos Lioliopoulos said...

ά και εγω για τον Τσουκατο θα σχολιάσω .
Ρε συ Γιάννη ,νόμιζα οτι αποφάσησες να βάλεις τη φωτογραφία σου στο πάνω αριστερό μέρος ,για να σε γνωρίσουμε .Και πάνω που σκέφτηκα , "βρε τον φουκαρά τον Γιάννη ,τι σκατόφατσα έχει", συνειδητοποιώ οτι είναι ο Τσουκάτος!

Left Liberal Synthesis said...

Λίγα τα λόγια σου, γιατί ο Τσουκάτος είναι γείτονας μου!!! και το ξέρω από πολύ παλία.......